Financial Services - N/A, N/A, N/A
Judy Gulley is a seasoned financial advisor to individuals of all ages and owners of small businesses. Judy's greatest passion and expertise is taking the mystery out of retirement planning in a way that is simple and easily understood, without complex financial jargon or hard-sell tactics.Judy can explain your benefits and their impact on you and your family along with helping you create your personal "strategy for life" to gain the full potential from your total financial picture from a family perspective, encompassing workplace benefits, savings, 401(k)s, IRAs, life insurance, your spouse/partner's benefits, and others. Judy will work with you to create a custom strategy that helps maximize the various financial pieces into a cohesive plan, guiding you on the ins and outs of retirement, Medicare and Social Security options and how they affect you, assisting you in making financial choices and even completing the appropriate forms to help reduce/eliminate costly mistakes and delays.And because Judy is truly an independent financial advisor, she can recommend products and services from many different financial organizations. That means you can get the products and services that are right for your individual situation.Judy was raised in a family business and has lived through the outcome of both good and bad financial decisions. This experience has provided her with the insight, compassion and attention to details she brings to make sure that your overall plan provides the outcome that suits your unique situation. In addition to her life experience, Judy holds additional professional credentials including Series 6, 7, 63 and 65 securities registration; Life, Health & Variable Annuity insurance license; Real Estate Broker's license, Chartered Federal Employee Benefit Consultant (ChFEBC) and a Certified Long-Term Care (CLTC) designation.Contact Judy Gulley at to guide you through the complicated maze of retirement planning.
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