Farming - , Bihar, India
The exotic 'Shahi Lychee' is an indigenous crop of North Bihar's- "Muzzafarpur". These flowers bloom only once a year. As this honey is the product from a very short season of the flowering of this Geographically Indexed super-fruit, its authentic availability is very limited... making it 'very precious'. It all started back in 1919 when our grandfather freedom fighter Dhawaja Prasad Sahu, also commonly known as Bapu of Bihar. One of the key founders of Khadi Gram Udyog wanted to do something for the local beekeepers and farmers of his home town Muzaffarpur, in North Bihar, India. To keep the tradition of our great grandfather alive while giving the world a flavour like never before. We procure our honey from beekeepers who follow the best beekeeping practices. A 100% raw, natural, and unheated process while not adding water to homogenize our flavours. We use sustainable practices to ensure that our honey is of the highest quality.