Semiconductors - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Indicus Technology provides professional training courses in VLSIfront-end domain. Our aim to train young engineers in Advance VLSIDesign and Verification domain and make them industrial ready. Wehave highly skilled and experienced trainer, who help our trainee toattain guaranteed success by offering outstanding training, motivationand support.We provide fully technical & practical training programs andhands on experience with modern EDA tools and methods, inparticular with respect to meet the requirement of extensivelygrowing VLSI Industries.We have the knowledge, skills, experience and expertise tosuccessfully complete the training in the modules we offerslike VLSI, Digital Electronics, Verilog, System Verilog,Universal Verification Methodology, Scripting language etc.We have successfully completed many seminar andworkshops in various colleges.We offer various courses In VLSI front domain as mentionedbelow- Basic VLSI Design- Advance VLSI Design- Advance VLSI Verification- Advance VLSI Design and Verification
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