Technology Consulting/Tech Services - Tucson, AZ, US
About Information By DesignInformation By Design, LLC helps sole proprietors, professional groups, and small businesses (nonprofit* and for-profit) design or modify their information environments according to their current and projected needs.Whether those needs are a new way to manage paper files or a complex database/workflow system, Information By Design can enhance our clients' information environments so that those environments actively support acquiring, creating, and reporting the information the organization needs to meet their goals.We came to Northern Virginia from Arizona a short while ago and would like to grow the organization in Virginia. As the organization grows, opportunities for professional growth will become available for staff members.* Although our rates for all small organizations are quite reasonable, we reduce them even further for small (100 or fewer employees), nonprofit organizations working in the areas of education, health and human services, and civil liberties that have policies consistent with our anti-discrimination policies.
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