Information Technology & Services - Marrakesh, Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco
Having trouble finding the right CTO to launch your startup?we'll help you launch your first product sooner, which means burning less cash. Infounder promote reuse of proven open-source and in-house solutions while focusing on the key idea and stripping out the rest.❌ Friendly payment planwe know you are bootstrapping founders and we are bootstrapped too, so we can work together to build your startups with 15% down payment and the remaining sum is spread over 12 monthly installments.❌ we're part of a big company, with a start-up soul.Yet we haven't lost our entrepreneurial spirit and we're constantly creating new tech, new products and new ideas. The pace of change is exhilarating. And the exposure to senior managers and different working cultures is non-stop.
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