Civil Engineering - Windhoek, Khomas, Namibia
InfraStruct Consulting Engineers CC is a fresh and new SME Consulting Engineering firm with its foundations firmly placed in Windhoek since 2021.The InfraStruct platform is supported by following columns (values):• Integrity• Innovation• Excellence• QualityThe InfraStruct columns provides for vision and focus to serve the Namibian Nation with engineering excellence to better the prosperity of our people.InfraStruct's core strengths are Civil and Structural Engineering and have excellent business relationships with specialists in the Electrical and Mechanical fields of Engineering, thus placing us in the fortunate position to provide multi-disciplinary solutions to our clients.WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS:> WATER ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS• Irrigation Design• Bulk Water Supply & Storage• Pipelines and Pump Stations• Stormwater Hydrology & Drainage Hydraulic Design• Erosion and Scour Protection• Potable and Wastewater Treatment• Network Modelling• Domestic & Fire Water Reticulation• Sewerage Reticulation• River Abstraction• Earth Dam/Reservoir Design• Water Balance Audits and Leak Detection> TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS• Roads Design (Pavement and Geometrical Design)• Parking Area Optimization and Design• Heavy Vehicle Swept Path Analysis (Turning Circles and Manoeuvrability)• Traffic Impact Assessments• Traffic Modelling• Capacity Analysis for Roads & Intersections• Intersection Control Optimization• Non-motorized Transportation (NMT)• Road Safety Audits• Airstrip Design> STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS• Steel Structures• Reinforced Concrete Structures> GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS• Bulk Earthworks Optimization and Platform Design• Earth Retaining Systems and Solutions• Soil Modification and Improvement Techniques and Solutions• Geo-mechanically Stabilised Earth Structures• Foundation Design