Accounting - , ,
To be supervising to the operations of the departments position as they are it accounts to receive, to pay, general accounting and human resources, I have monthly meetings of advice, revision of financial statements and control of deviations, handling of cash flow for diverse works, to be up-to-date with the fiscal obligations as well as of social security, to review with the accountant the analysis of the deviations seen in the meetings and explanation of them. and to give pursuit to the projections of the budgets.To sees supervising to the operations of the departments position ace they plows it accounts to receive, to pay, general accounting and human resources, I have monthly meetings of advice, financial revision of statements and control of deviations, handling of for cash flow to diver works, to sees up-to-dates with the fiscal obligations ace well social ace of security, to review with the accountant the analysis of the deviations seen in the meetings and explanation of them. and to give pursuit to the projections of the budget