Government Administration - Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil
Centro de Idioma is an English language school based in São Paulo, Brazil. We teach young children, teenagers and adults. We are currently based in Araçatuba, São Paulo. Our methodology is unique in the fact there are two teachers in the classroom, One of the teachers are native (Native English person) and one Brazilian. The native teacher concentrates on pronunciation and conversation whilst the Brazilian teacher explains grammar in Portuguese allowing the student to understand how to construct phrases and speak correctly. Our mission is to help our students become fluent in the English language covering all aspects through Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading. We use many different medias to help the student get the most out of learning, for example music, games, interactive white board activities, cooking classes in English, singing and a lot more.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________O Centro de Idiomas (CDI) ajuda nossas crianças; jovens da família Unicolégio Objetivo e a população de Araçatuba e região com os estudos da Língua Inglesa. A vivência do idioma é feita pela imersão cultural em sala de aula com os dois teachers:1. Séan Lilley (LONDON-UK) – native teacherand2. Tais Aparecida – Au pair program USAAssim, as quatro habilidades (listening/audição, speaking/conversação, reading/leitura and writing/escrita) são equilibradamente trabalhadas.Contacte-nos para uma experiência inovadora.Aprender inglês com dois teachers ao mesmo tempo, INGLATERRA, ESTADOS UNIDOS e BRASIL juntos com você!!!