Management Consulting - Florence, Tuscany, Italy
We bridge flow with structure, we focus on the balance in between being and doing,we leverage on the power of resting and playing after having taken remarkabledecisive actions and made life-shifting decisions.Throughout the whole creative and impact-making process we make sure that ourclients bring their action into the Outer World from an Inner Space of Intuition, Self-centredness, Happiness and Abundance.We adopt and integrate throughout our coaching and community building conceptsbased on numerous scientific studies and discoveries within multiple disciplines suchas Epi-Genetics (by PhD. Bruce Lipton), the Quantum Mechanics of Spirituality (byPhysicist Nassim Haramein), advanced Neuroscience (by Dr. Joe Dispenza) and more.We bring together the power of Elite Performance and Habit Creation to gather withthe depth of deeply rooted Spiritual Wisdom and Consciousness Studies.We range our offer from Public Speaking, Self and Time Management, Stress andAnxiety release, Self Awareness and Self-Integrity building, habits and routinescreation, team and business management and more.Our one offer for 2021 is the Highly Effective Conscious Humans Community andCoaching Experience. Released in March.