Higher Education - Warszawa, woj. mazowieckie, Poland
Startups - young, innovative business ventures aimed to create new products and solutions - are gaining more and more popularity on the Polish market. Investments in this field are a unique development opportunity for young entrepreneurs - creative, with fresh and original ideas, highly adaptive in the trends and needs of the present and future world. Unfortunately, those young people often struggle with problems related to starting their own business. According to a study by the Leader Academy Foundation, every fourth person indicates that the biggest obstacle in creating their own business is the lack of knowledge and core skills required to running it. Furthermore, research PARP (Polish Agency For Enterprise Development) shows that as many as 46% of Poles do not decide to start a business for fear of failure. Last but not least, according to statistics, the lack of factual knowledge and investment capital inhibits the development of startups, which are crucial for the economy and science. These are the main factors preventing young people from introducing to the market their forward-looking ideas. All this shows how necessary it is to help young entrepreneurs - the future of the economy - by creating unique programs. The Innovations Hub Foundation is an international student hub that focuses on technology transfer. We specialize in project incubation, project mining, scouting, and education of technology implementation. For several years we have been developing four projects - MedBiz Innovations Program, Innovations Academy, Innovations Incubator, and Innovations Platform.
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