Research - Shenyang, Liaoning, China
The Institute of Metal Research (IMR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was founded in 1953. Since then, IMR has firmly established itself as an indispensable base for materials science and engineering research in China. Research at IMR focuses mainly on high performance metallic materials, new types of inorganic nonmetallic materials, and advanced composite materials. IMR's research is directed towards the understanding and characterization of materials properties, structure and performance, as well as materials synthesis and fabrication, processing, and application. Our mission is to excel in materials research, develop advanced materials technology and foster exceptional talents, thus serving the nation, society and mankind.IMR is home to the Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, the Shenyang R&D Center for Advanced Materials, the Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection, the Environmental Corrosion Center, the National Engineering Research Center for Corrosion Control of Metals and the National Engineering Research Center for High Performance Homogenized Alloys.IMR has gathered together outstanding scientists and technical experts in the field of materials research. As of 2016, IMR had a staff of 1053, including 516 researcher and 291 support members for technical service and management. Among the IMR scientists are 153 research professors, including 5 members of Chinese Academy of Sciences and 1 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 3 members of The Third World Academy of Sciences, a UNESCO-based program dedicated to the advancement of science in developing countries. Several of our scientists have also held positions in international organizations such as the International Committee of Nanostructured Materials, the World Corrosion Organization, and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials, etc.IMR is one of the first organizations authorized to confer doctoral degrees in materials science and engineering in China. As of 2016, IMR had an enrollment of 858 graduate students, including 541 doctoral students and 317 master's students. Graduate students at IMR have the opportunity to conduct on a wide variety of topics such as atomic scale modeling, characterization and fabrication, and complex manufacturing technologies in modern aerospace engineering. IMR also organizes summer camps for young people interested in materials science.IMR emphasizes fostering cooperative relationships with scientific research institutes and organizations in materials science and engineering both at home and abroad. More than 300 scientists and scholars visit IMR for academic activities annually. In addition, IMR frequently organizes international academic conferences and bilateral seminars. For example, IMR and the Shenyang National Laboratory have established the "Lee Hsun Lecture Series" and award to honor scientists who have made important contributions to materials science. The award is now world-known in the field of materials science.IMR also publishes several academic journals in cooperation with various academic societies. These journals include Acta Metallurgica Sinica、the Journal of Materials Science & Technology、Chinese Journal of Material Research、the Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection、and Corrosion Science and Protection Technology.During the past over 60 years, IMR has made strategic contributions to China's economic growth and has achieved many landmark technological breakthroughs. IMR has received more than 400 awards, including 90 national awards. Many of its important research results have been published in top scientific journals in the field of materials science and engineering.