Research - Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
ISAMB is a research center of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (FMUL) devoted to Environmental Health (EH).ISAMB is organized into 5 thematic Programs (Environment, Family Health and Society; Supportive Environments; Environment and Non-Communicable Diseases; Environment and Infectious Diseases; Ecogenetics and Human Health), each encompassing convergent R&D lines that comprise the specialization areas, skills and competences of around 150 members.ISAMB's organization takes advantage from the privileged inclusion in FMUL and from the association with the country's largest university hospital (Hospital de Santa Maria). This raises the opportunity of putting together the strengths in public health, different clinical areas and gene-environment interactions.Over the last few years, ISAMB has participated and acted as a promoter in several research projects funded by national and internationally public and private entities (e.g., EEA Grants, H2020, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation).Since 2015, ISAMB leads an innovative PhD Program on EH, developed in an industry setting (FCT funded), that relies on 16 host institutions.