Information Technology & Services - Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil
With the objective of promoting competitiveness to Brazilian industry through the transfer of knowledge, applied research and innovation, the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies (ISI-TICs) is a space for the generation of state-of-the-art technology for the industry , where ICT applied research is carried out, with infrastructure and equipment equivalent to the most advanced Research and Development Centers in the world, as well as a body of high level researchers and a wide network of partners.The mission of ISI-TICs is to establish Information and Communication Technologies and Software as the main factors of competitiveness of the Brazilian Industry and to modify the current competitive references of this industry, through innovation in / with / from / to Software.ISI-TIC has the support of other institutes such as INES (Brazil), Fraunhofer (Germany) and MIT (USA), to carry out applied research in the industrial segment.The Institute's main product, the Software is treated in three perspectives: as a component of systems; as an integral and essential part of innovation projects and industry; and as "embedded" in products in the most diverse areas of Industry.
Route 53
Amazon AWS
Google Apps