Technology Consulting/Tech Services - Atlanta, Georgia, US
Since its inception in 2009, Intelegencia has been partnering with its global clients, some of which are Fortune 1000 companies, that leverage and rely on our broad portfolio of Digital Transformation, Software Architecture/R&D, Customer Care/BPO, E-commerce, Software services, Quality Assurance, Analytics/ML and Cloud Engineering offerings. Led by a strong leadership group, the globally acclaimed service firm today supports over 100 clients across North America, Middle East, Europe and APAC, with offices in the U.S, Europe, India and the Philippines. Supported by outstanding talent, Intelegencia blends technical and functional expertise with comprehensive cross vertical and cross-domain knowledge to help achieve business objectives. Its consistent successes have led to global recognition from Deloitte twice, first as one of India’s Fast 50 Technology companies and secondly as one of Asia’s Fast 500 Technology companies. Intelegencia offers a flexible and scalable global delivery model that includes a blend of onshore and offshore delivery capabilities that bring scale, efficiency and productivity, while keeping a close eye on OPEX/CAPEX.
GoDaddy Hosting
Google Analytics
Mobile Friendly
Bootstrap Framework