Utilities - Novato, California, United States
IntelligentNRG provides strategy, marketing, and management services with focus on smartgrid, energy management, demand response, big data, and corporate data center fleets. IntelligentNRG was founded in 2004, and was formerly called Two Roads Management and Marketing.Executive management roles at Power Assure, Infotility, Accenture, GreenBuildingStudio, Siebel Systems, ICF Consulting, RLW Analytics, and PG&E. Key clients have included:Award winning Green Building Studio (acquired by Autodesk) - Rebranded company and launched cloud-based energy simulation design tool, integrated with CAD design packages for Architects and Design Engineers. Established key partnerships with Autodesk, McGraw-Hill Construction, and EPA.CRMantra - VC Campaign and Positioning ConsultingInfotility/GridAgents (acquired by Pacific Controls) - Rebranding product and company as "GridAgents." Developed 5 year business plan, marketing, and acquisition strategy. Designed "Community Energy Manager" application for managing and monitoring distributed renewables on the smartgrid. Member of senior executive team.
Amazon AWS