E-learning - Delhi, Delhi, India
Intelliscore.in is a cloud based platform to organize academic data. We capture academic data of institutions, run analytics on it and provide dashboard to improve the performance of each individual student. Technology adoption of Indian education space has been very limited majorly due to complex and costly products like ERPs, CRMs etc. Teachers are not supposed to be techmaters to use such complex and costly products. Thus we provide Intelliscore.in. It is very easy to use Intelliscore.in just like Facebook or WhatsApp, register by sharing basic school data and start using. And best part is, it is absolutely free for all academic institutions, students and parents, today and will always be. Say a school A, shares excel data like name of students, teachers, subjects taught etc. with us. We will create a digital school profiling each student. All the variations around performance of the student will be available to the teachers. Parents can get all notifications through our app. Why is it needed? Current market size of Indian education industry is estimated to be $133bn. The unprecedented population demographics with 640m people under 30 years of age presents a critical juncture for all involved in education. To educate and to evaluate these students, education is moving online and over years to come, we see all major assignments and evaluation process going online as the number of evaluators is not increasing in the same proportion. Real time academic data analysis is not being performed in the industry. But the surge of online education, MOOC, OER and various other technology based learning modules will need a lot of data analysis to reach the correct target audience, to develop proper content, to penetrate market et al. Captured data will continuously assist in making several business and consumer related decisions. It has a lot of benefits for the institutions, students as well as the parents.