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SIX GREAT FUNCTIONS IN ONE SOFTWARE!You do not need complicated instruments or scientific labs if you want to discover the secrets of nature and your immediate surroundings. If you have WebCam Laboratory, all you need is an intelligent and curious observer - that is you - and a simple webcam. WebCam Laboratory allows you to observe things and phenomena that have always been there around you, but you haven't had the chance to recognize them. Would you like to measure the depth of a Moon crater? The distance of a star or the length of a single-celled specie? Unbelievable as it is, but with the help of WebCam Laboratory, all this is just a click away. Would you like to know how the circulation of the Sun changes, when the animals of the garden wake up, who tithe the nut in the basement or what kind of birds live around your house? With our software you can get the answers, but you can get to know what happens, when your toy cars crash, you can observe the periodical movements of a ball or the garden swing, only your imagination can set limits for these fascinating experiments. WebCam Laboratory is exactly what you need, if you are curious how your favorite plant grows day by day, how clouds form or swirl on the sky, or if you just want to see a whole day from the rise of the Sun until it sets.
Bootstrap Framework