Education Management - , , Singapore
The Inter-University Network (IUN) is a network of youth student organization representatives from from five universities in Singapore, the National University of Singapore (NUS) (inclusive of Yale-NUS College), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU) and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). They represent their respective student governments as well as the interests of the undergraduate populations that they lead and serve. Its objectives are two-fold:a) To foster knowledge sharing and management pertaining to student leadership, alongside collaboration between the student unions. b) To advocate for a national focus on certain issues that impact the entire undergraduate and young adult population, by tapping on the strength of this collective entity of unions*.*If necessary, this would entail formulating actionable policy recommendations for the government to take heed, with the National Youth Council serving as a platform and partner in amplifying the IUN's calls for change. It is in this manner that the IUN brings the universities together, to represent, protect, and empower the interests for undergraduates and youths on a national level. With the support of the National Youth Council, the IUN aims to advocate for youth voices in government programmes and policies.