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The International Association of Penal Law - AIDP is worldwide the oldest association of specialists in penal law and one of the oldest scientific associations. Since its foundation in 1924, France, as Association Internacionale de Droit Pénal, the AIDP acquired in its field of action a particular status among the other organisations, scientists, experts and governmental and professional authorities. This field of actions covers: 1) Criminal policy and codification of penal law. 2) Comparative criminal law. 3) International criminal law (with a specialization in international criminal justice) and 4) Human rights in the administration of criminal justice.Due to its internal organization which opens the Association worldwide to all penalists, also to young penalists (cf. "Young Penalists") and based on about fifty national groups, the Association develops a fruitful scientific life. These scientific activities are furthered by the Scientific Committee whose task culminates in the organization of the quinquennial congresses which are prepared by preparatory colloquia covering the four topics of the congress (Substantial criminal law, Special criminal Law, procedural penal law and international criminal law).The scientific activities of the Association is documented by its official publications. i.e. 1) The Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal (International Review of Penal Law), published twice a year since 1924 and distributed in three languages (English, French and Spanish) to more than sixty countries; 2) The Nouvelles Études Pénales which contain the results of specialized meetings of national groups or of expert committees on subjects of international interest as well as the acts of conferences held at the Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences (I.S.I.S.C.); 3) The Acts of international Congresses, which cover the discussions and results of international congresses and which contain the adopted resolutions.