Education Management - , , Iran
Language is a means of communication and understanding among communities, cultures and civilizations, such that learning a language means a new opportunity for people from various languages and nationalities to know about their differences in customs and characteristics, as well as about what they share in human civilization and cultural heritage. With deep belief in this perspective, and relying on its expert professors in the areas of teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers, Persian language and literature, teaching foreign/second languages, and linguistics, Alzahra University has launched an international center for teaching Persian to the speakers of other languages.Equipped with large libraries, modern language laboratories, and multimedia and website centers, the international center for teaching Persian to the speakers of other languages at Alzahra University (ICTP) is offering Persian instruction in collaboration with its professionals in second language materials development, computer assisted language learning, as well as in methods and skills of teaching and testing second language skills. In addition, Alzahra University offers postgraduate courses of Teaching Persian to the Speakers of Other Languages, which leads to training expert graduates in this field.