- Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, United States
One Vision, One Mission, and One Team – Towards a Global Emergency Management System, Partnerships, and Programs The International Network of Women in Emergency Management (inWEM) is a National Preparedness Coalition Member and is comprised of a network of international men and women leaders with a passion to create global emergency management systems and partnerships, which promote safer, resilient, sustainable, and prepared, diverse communities and elevate the status of women. Our purpose is to promote and support networking, mentoring and sponsoring opportunities among women in emergency management, homeland security, business continuity, and emergency services; in their related professions. Our shared vision is "Women leaders creating global emergency management systems and partnerships, which promote safer, resilient, sustainable, and prepared diverse communities." Our mission is to elevate the status of women in emergency management by:• Supporting global women leaders in our local, state, tribal, and federal governments; critical infrastructure facilities; voluntary, faith, and community-based organizations; private and nonprofit sectors; academia; military; industry; and professional associations.• Building global partnerships, supporting professional organizations• Convening an annual global summit with workshops and panel discussions• Hosting an annual "International Women in Homeland Security and Emergency Management Hall of Fame"• Establishing an International Center for Women's Leadership in Emergency Management, Homeland Security and Business Continuity inWEM's team is a dynamic global network, whose goal is to collaborate, partner and advance the status of women and girls, share experiences and goals with each other, promote inclusion and diversity, and empower and sustain women and girls in the emergency management profession and field of study.