Civic & Social Organization - Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
The International Peace Observers Network (IPON) is a German independent non-intervening and non-profit organization which accompanies human rights defenders and monitors the human rights situation. IPON aims to a situation where the human rights are respected and the accompanied groups/Human Rights Defenders are able to undertake their work free from threats, violence and repression and an insecure environment. The Instrument of human rights observation is based on the idea that, if a country has ratified the UN "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (and/or other relevant international declarations on human rights), it is therefore responsible to enhance, respect, and implement human rights. If the state actors do not follow these responsibilities independent international observers will document these violations of human rights and bring it to public attention. Furthermore IPON is contacting relevant stakeholders and points out their responsibility of implementing human rights and providing information and data for national and international advocacy and lobby work. IPON follows this legalistic approach to human rights. Since 2006 IPON accompanies organizations of human rights defenders in the Philippines, starting with the request of the farmers organization KMBP (Kilusang Magbubukid ng Bondoc Peninsula) in Bondoc Peninsula, Quezon Province. Since 2008 IPON observers are present in Negros Occidental and Oriental accompanying defenders of TFM (Task Force Mapalad). Since 2011 IPON human rights observers have been working in Mindanao, cooperating with PADATA, an organisation that advocates for the rights of indigenous people. The human rights observers are international volunteers from Columbia, Switzerland, Austria, Uganda and Germany which were trained by IPON in Germany.
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