International Affairs - , Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
International Relations Visit 2021 is an online visitation to institution related to International Relations Affairs that will fulfill your curiosity regarding issues going on right now.This year, IRIT 2021 will be attended by superb speakers from Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia RI (National Commission on Human Rights Indonesia) and Kementerian Luar Negeri RI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesia).With a marvelous Grand Theme GLOBAL EFFORTS ON ADVOCATING HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE TIMES OF PANDEMICIRIT 2021 will provide everyone WITHOUT EXCEPTION an amazing and unforgettable experience of company visitation, discussion, and online seminar.📌: Saturday, 25th September 2021💶: FREE!➕: Free E- Certificates for all participantRegister Now!