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Resurrecting, and systematizing the original contextual premise of old style karate and kata into an easy-to-learn structure, the International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society is one organization successfully serving many styles by providing lost practices to a more progressive western mindset not afraid to look outside their traditional peer group to improve their understanding of the artOur services include an on-line network for intellectual exchange among members. Our principal activity focuses on mentoring learners and teachers of Japanese/Okinawan Karate/Kobudo [both classical & contemporary] through dialogue, lecture, journals, instructional DVD and special-interest activities. We have successfully built bridges uniting like-minded learners all over the world for the past decade through eliminating ambiguity, and imparting the true origins and evolution of Karate while specializing in the functional application practices of ancestral and traditional-based Kata.
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