- Athens, , Greece
International Special Court of Arbitration & Human Rights Inter-Governmental Court; established Inter-Governmental Court Statute of UN-IGO Charter Systems & Licensed-recognized Treaty Inter-Governmental Court with UN-ECOSOC (Consultative Status 689811), United Nations Secretariat, UN DP, UNESCO, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UN Industrial Development Organization (UN IDO), United Nations Office for Special Project (UNOPS), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UN Women, World Trade Organizations, ITC, International Labour Organization (ILO), WIPO, ADB, HWIPC Interpol Command, EU (QA; Licensed No- EUQA0612704) and ICC-International Court of Arbitration (ICA015IGC) as an Inter-Governmental Court & accreditation agency is protected by international law, under UN Economic Social & Cultural Rights (Articles 13.1, 13.2(c), 13.4), with a mandate for promoting the rights of access to and quality of education supporting human rights, under UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Right to Education 2008 (Article 7:(a),(e),(f),(i)) and is licensed to provide legal services including Commercial Arbitrarily Justice, Civil litigation, International Diplomacy Laws, Conflict Resolutions, International Mediation Service and Certification of Legal documents for official and governmental use in international affairs in any United Nations Member Nations in accordance with Provisions of Arbitration Laws or Institutional rules of the prescribed body by adapting UNCITRAL Rules on Arbitration, its applications and constitutional within Judiciary. Copyrights 2020 @ ISCAHR IGO, All International Rights Reserved.