Public Policy - Gemona del Friuli, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
RESPONSe is about taking local action to address climate change threats along the Adriatic coastline by empowering local communities. To this aim project activities will focus firstly on enhancing the current knowledge base on climatological and oceanographic trends at Adriatic level and secondly on developing tailored solutions to mainstream adaptation-enabling policy strategies at local level. Local administrations are key actors within RESPONSe as initiators and promoters of climate-smart policy-making and will be therefore actively involved in project activities. Tools and strategies will be developed building on local stakeholders' needs and on scientific knowledge to enable the creation of responsive plans and to adopt context-appropriate solutions. Sustainable energy and climate action plans will be developed for selected pilot cities both in Croatia and in Italy. RESPONSe is financed under the INTERREG Programme Italy - Croatia (EU co-financing: € 1.822.440,79).