Retail - Menasha, Wisconsin, United States
We created IntoWishin' Arts to provide adults with disabilities an online marketplace to promote and sell their art featured on products like apparel, home goods, and other published products. We're in business to create financial opportunities and greater potential for independence for creative individuals living with physical, cognitive, emotional, and other challenges. Our retail sales also financially support the non-profit organizations that assist with, and advocate for these artists with creative possAbilities! tmOUR MISSION:To give adults living with disabilities the opportunity to practice and explore their creative "possAbilities," earn income, and increase personal independence through the arts.OUR CORE VALUES:Kindness, empathy, acceptance, respect, fun, hard work, and oh yeah... spontaneity!OUR FOUNDING BELIEF:We believe all people are created equal, and every human being has a broad spectrum of socially valuable abilities. By practicing the arts, we know amazing possAbilities will be discovered, and more beauty will grace our world.
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