Building Materials - Aalborg, North Denmark Region, Denmark
Inwido Denmark A/S is based in Aalborg and has approx. 35 employees. The company is a shared service function for KPK Døre og Vinduer, Outline Vinduer, Outrup Vinduer & Døre, FROVIN Vinduer & Døre and BØJSØ Døre og Vinduer. These companies are owned by Inwido, Europe's largest Window Group and listed on the stock exchange. In 2018, Inwido achieved sales of SEK 6.7 billion (€650 million approx) and an operating EBITA margin of 9.9 percent. The Group has some 4,500 employees in total, with operations in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the UK, Norway, Ireland, Poland, Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, Germany and Austria.