Oil & Energy - Kangan, South Khorasan, Iran
The Iran LNG project consists of the LNG plant, including storage and loading facilities and has been divided into the following packages:\\(1) LNG Plant (PACKAGE I), which includes process, utilities and offsite areas, including loading facilities (top work only) and buildings \Iran LNG company intends to divide PACKAGE I into the following packages:\\Package I-A: Liquefaction Units, comprising of units 15, 16, 17 and 18.\\Package I-B: Treating Units (Lurgi Sulphur Management Complex-LSMC) including Unit 12, 13, 19 and Unit-11 (Feed Gas Metering), Unit-14 (Mercury Removal Unit and Unit 20 (LPG Sweetening)\\Package I-C: E-LNG including Power Station, Electric Motors and Compressors\\Package I-D: Utilities and Off-Sites\\Package I-E: Telecommunication\\Package I-F: MAC (Main Automation Contactor)\\\(2) LNG Storage Tanks (PACKAGE II), which includes LNG and LPG Tanks (Awarded to EPC Contractor)\\(3) Harbour and Jetties (PACKAGE III), excluding loading facilities (Awarded to EPC Contractor).