Computer & Network Security - Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
SECURE CORPORATE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIT SECURITY for ITYour new innovativ and professional partner for Corporate IT security and Executive Protection. Since we care for your privacy we provide Cybercrime security and Management (or Operational Support) Software to protect your sensitive Information on public and corporate Sites, and provide absolute secure web communications."Our philosophy is pro active prevention instead of reactive damage control"Through constant Innovation, and development it is our task to confront, and be many steps ahead of the mounting and evolving complexity of threats which jeopardizes your data. Our proven SCIT system and implementation team of experts create the perfect balance between protection and innovative usability .Proactive: Secure Cloud Services - Web Communcication - Software Development - Security Audits - Protection of Share Holder InfoExecutiveprotection - Cybercrimeprotection - ApplicationprotectionReactive: Secure existing Cloud Services - Cybercrime Analytic - existing Web Communication - Unauthorized Enquiries - Virus Outbreak Control - Security Systems Breaches
Microsoft Office 365