Research - Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain
Our research spans four research areas including Service Oriented Computing, Business Process Management, Software Engineering and Methodologies and Software Product Lines. More specifically, our research lines focus on the following topics: 1) Service governance: Automated analysis, creation, diagnosis and management of governance documents; policies modelling; enforcement of SLAs; autonomic and self-* platforms; monitoring. Automated analysis, creation, diagnosis, negotiation and management of SLAs; advanced models of SLAs: temporal-awareness, symmetry, uncertainty, composition; formalisation and extension of WS-Agreement. 2) Software product lines: Automated analysis and management of feature models; algebra of variability models; software ecosystems; product management. 3) Metaheuristics: Development of metaheuristic frameworks and ecosystems; new heuristics for optimization problems in service and software engineering: composition, negotiation, ranking... 4) Business process management: Performance management and monitoring, Service Level Agreements, predictive monitoring, business process analytics, human resource management. 5) Experiments support: Support for formal description of experiments. 6) Software testing: Software quality; automated test data generation; test assessment; oracle problem.