Design - Lansing, Michigan, United States
ISHAO Design is an young, enthusiastic and independent consulting firm that is willing to work for companies, countries and other enterprises on issues related to branding and identity. We help clients to come out with an idea to face their challenge on their brands and businesses and turn the idea to an action. Idea – Idea is a map, a map that can guide us to achieve the goal. We creating a map by working with our clients. We customize the map for every each our clients. We start by helping our clients to understand themselves and get to know who they are and what they do in the world. Then we work with our clients to come up with an idea that helps them to achieve it. Action – The treasure wouldn't come to you, and you have to go look for it. We are esthetic to help our clients to make move. The world keep changing we don't just sit there and talking or waiting for the answer. We also aim to create useful tool to help our clients to make the idea come true. And the aim of idea that is creating a impact that comes back clients brands and businesses. We can work everywhere for clients from all over the world. The way we work for you is to work with you. ISHAO設計是一個年輕創新、具有熱情且獨立運作的品牌顧問公司,我們的專業在於替不同國家及各領域的企業和公司解決品牌及識別形象等相關問題。我們幫助客戶釐清想法,並將想法付諸於行動,提出最好的解決方案來面對客戶的品牌和企業所面臨到的挑戰。 想法 想法是一張地圖,而地圖指引我們實現目標。我們與客戶合作一起創造地圖,並且為每個客戶量身打造屬於自己的地圖。 行動 寶藏不會自動找上你,你必須去尋找它。在釐清想法及目標後,我們協助的客戶付諸行動。在這不斷變化的世界裡,我們不能只是坐以待斃,聊聊對策或等待答案。想法最主要目的就是創造一個對客戶的品牌或企業具有影響力的結果。