Education Management - Lome, Maritime Region, Togo
Institut Supérieur des Langues et des Affaires (ISLA) is a private higher education institute in Togo authorized by the Government of Togo through the Ministry of Higher Education (Decision N° 2010/093/METFP/CAB/SG/SE-CPO). ISLA is composed of: • Langcenter International Togo, the school of languages offering English and French courses;• International Business School, a University offering Great Britain and France Programs. In the view of the globalization and the sub-regional integration context (ECOWAS), and in order to satisfy the needs of international companies and organizations in terms of bilingual staff, ISLA has been created to provide professional English and French language trainings, and internationally recognized University Programs in Business Management and Literature and Civilizations. Our University Programs are offered in partnership with British and French Institutions.ISLA is a wonderful international school, welcoming dynamic and experienced lecturers from various countries like USA, England, Ghana, France, China and Togo.
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