Transportation - Hammond, IN, US
Operating Pneumatics, Liquids, Dumps, and Flats has propelled IST Logistics to its diverse level of service today.We have become one of the premiere food-grade Kosher Carriers in the Midwest. All of our food grade equipment follows strict sealing procedures, our drivers are extensively trained, and our record is exemplary.We have been hauling non-food grade pneumatic for over 20 years, including such products as cement, fly ash, lime, frac sand, and plastic resins.Our management comes with real world hands on knowledge. We have decades of combined experience with our talented staff. As our customer, you have this talent at your service, along with professional drivers all in current model state of the art equipment.We are continuously expanding, vertically integrated, and are totally committed to excellence. Our whole team is available 24/7 and excels at emergency service. We offer a full spectrum of services and welcome the opportunity to grow with your transportation needs.
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