Human Resources - Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
This community was started by 4 people who learned the language of the Koran and learned its meaning. Initially, all activities were held in one of the mothers' house. They did it consistently until their friends were curious and interested in joining the community. Over time the number of members increased, increased and increased.Seeing the potential to develop the community, they held weekly speech by inviting ustad as the speaker. Note that this weekly speech is free. Not only that, they also created a Kids Club and collaborated with foreign Muslim communities to provide materials. Soon there will be youth clubs in this community.They believe, this activity is very useful for everyone, especially for those who are still young. It should be worth spending 1-2 hours a week doing this kind of activity.QnA with Istamah for the World Founder:Why do you spend your busy time developing this community?"We have to be useful from the beginning. We have to think about what value we bring to the world." said one of the founders.