Management Consulting - Collado Mediano, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
Innovative Synergy, S.Lisye - Energy for co-innovationVision.- The Collective Innovation join to the Technology and Business Synergies are key factors to gain competitiveness, and this, the way to reach "Iberia as ICT´s Global Value NearShore" objective. Mision - Co-Innovate together to gain competitiveness to deliver ICT services from Iberia as Value NearShore by CloudShore (OffShore 3.0). How? Qualified People on R&D + Innovation half-close to 360º to ICT hipersector (BPO includes), optimizing everything what "consumes" when delivery, even transforming delivery & sourcing models, and, at the same time, innovating on these sectors: enhacements, new service lines (Open Co-Innovation)Values - A gility E nthusiasm I nnovation O ptimism U nion & Corporate´s Social Responsibility Activities: - Consulting & Advisory: Business, Souricng, Service & Technology- Solutions vendor & Service provider: SAP, GeneXus, AuraPortal, SABA, AtTask, Visure, JustinMind - Co-I+D+i: Technology Base Company- Intering Mgmt: CIO, CFO, Mktg. & Comms, HCM, BDM- Total Mobility Solutions- CloudShore: Co-Outsourcing from the Cloud - Offshore 3.0- Co-Innovation & CrowdSourcing - E-mergent Learning (elearning Portals, 2D, 3D, Increased Reality)- Talent Management & promotion* Trainning & Recruitment services* Talen & performance evaluation services & tools* People collaboration promotion & tools* Corporate innovation open models & tools* Corporate Social Media* Flexible remuneration models