Consumer Services - Pune, Maharashtra, India is a recreational and utility portal for all IT Professionals. It was launched because we saw the need for a place where all IT professionals could come together, meet, trade and help each other in many ways. Members can come here to find an apartment to live in, sell their old car, bike, music system, laptop or furniture, or buy any item that they might want or have to offer and make new friends while doing all of the above. Whats more! You can also register on IT matrimonial and find that special someone to spend your life with, from your own professional field. We hope to address all such needs and serve as a one stop solution for all the problems faced by any working professional. Our vision is to become a one stop solution for all the problems faced by any working professional and to provide services to the IT sector and individuals through: * User-friendly online forums to help people connect with others in their own professional field * Free IT matrimonial services * Convenient online shopping * Online Job portal