Computer Software - Manhattan Beach, California, United States
iTracker provides easy-to-use on-demand Cloud applications such as Cloud Inventory Management, Cloud Asset Tracking, 3PL Public Warehousing and Cloud Warehouse Management Software (WMS). Applications driven by iTracker and The Cloud Technology are a mouse click away with no hardware to buy, no software to install, no network to set up, no system deployments or ongoing costly maintenance. iTracker licenses our products by location with no software to install, maintain, or update. This keeps your IT overhead to a minimum, and means that your data can be accessed globally – from any PC or device connected to the internet all for less than $300 per month per warehouse (unlimited users). iTracker automates manual-based processes from receiving to shipping to invoicing, so complete visibility and control is a mouse click away. iTracker also features the Power of The Cloud to align Front-Office Demand with Back-Office accounting software such as QuickBooks, Peachtree and Great Plains. iTracker is the leading provider of Cloud-Based business inventory management control. iTracker products are scalable and can effectively manage companies of any size or transactional activity or requirement and the Cloud Technology is available anywhere and anytime.