Investment Management - Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Since the beginning of invention, humanity has advanced because the sense of wonder has pushed us forward. Because some women and men of their times have dared to think differently. To build it better. To do what's never been done. Across the ages, we've had many names for these people. Today, at IxD Capital we call them positive innovators. We focus on Impact high-growth & game-changing companies whose products, services and supply chain intrinsically deliver positive social and environmental benefits. So, we support an innovative companies and people that we think can change the world. We bring smart money – because investing in positive innovation requires patience, focus and expertise. We're passionate about creating long-term value for future generations and building Sustainable Capitalism that we call an economic system within which business and trade seek to maximise long-term financial profit and value creation, accounting for all material environmental, social and governance metrics. Global challenges have contributed to the creation and development in international markets a lot of new financial and investment instruments & strategies. We keep up with the times. We master our skills and become a better version of ourselves to deliver best for your growth. Our focus is to build businesses that others want to associate with. WE GROW THE NEXT GENERATION OF FOUNDERS.And we love what we do. This Public Channel is designed for informational and educational purposes to keep you informed with our actual News, Events & Success Stories. Welcome and join this great journey with us. Sincerely Yours, IxD Capital Team
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