Pharmaceuticals - Foster City, California, United States
We achieve our vision by providing a customizable, Clinical Performance Management Solution that is cost effective and user friendly.JaPa Associates Inc. was founded in 2009 to focus on applying clinical trial metrics to clinical trials at study start through completion allowing trial managers to assess their trials, notice trends, and make course corrections to ensure trials are completed successfully. With 15+ years of experience in the field of clinical research and trial management, starting from being a Research Associate and a Clinical Research Monitor rising to a Program Manager level with direct communication with Executive / Senior Management, the reports are built from the end-user perspective. This perspective enabled the development of a tool to organize the managerial and working environment in a more efficient manner. These include the organization of reporting results from clinical trials in a manner that permits the ease of interpretation, the projection of continuing tasks, project time-line control, along with any remedial action. The reports are built from the user-perspective, with the inside knowledge of how clinical trials are executed, and do not require an investment of non-standard IT infrastructure. The reports enable decision makers to have faster decision-making during the life-cycle of a clinical trial(s)as they are able to forecast not only timeline, but budgetary implications of their current efforts toward the completion of the trial(s).