Information Technology & Services - Saratoga Springs, Utah, United States
If you have data and you need it analyzed or transformed in any way, we hope you will keep us in mind. Basically we help our clients ask their data questions and get answers for them that they can use to do something useful with.We transform data into Business Intelligence. This is the methodology we use on our projects...STRATEGYWhy does your company exist? What is your company's purpose and objective? Lets start at the beginning with these basic questions. Once we have that groundwork in place, we can analyze your current data model to see how well it supports your purpose and objective.MODELYour data model is the blueprint for your company's success. It must be driven by your company's strategy. The key to the data model is the people selected to construct it. Choose the wrong people and no amount of genius strategy will matter. You need experience and leadership here. We can give it to you.PROCESSWith the data model in place, the data process can be constructed. The processes we build are successful because they are a reflection of the data model. Both are consistent through and through. We build data driven processes that understand who needs the information, what information they need, what form they need it in, and when they need it by.SYSTEMThis system interweaves people with the process. The data systems we build are successful because the people understand what they need to do to succeed, how they fit into the value proposition, and what they do that adds value to the process. We build integrations not interfaces. Integrations lower costs, increase quality, and increase information dissemination speed.
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