Internet - Gurugram, Haryana, India
Imagine a tiny little plant on your desk or a creeper climbing your cupboard or be it a dense green foliage growing on your balcony contrasting in color with the white and red lillies, a silent cactus sitting next to it and the railings covered with hedgings, everyone of us have dreamt of a green home or a green place in our vicinity, where we can breathe the fresh air full of nature's fragrance and feast our eyes with the glorious colors on nature . We at Javitree are determined to convert every tiny space possible in our lifestyle into a green space full of life and colors.We will guide you to select handpicked plants to perfectly suit your requirements and lifestyle. Select now from hundreds of categories and varieties of plants and take the next leap to be closer to good health and growth. We guarantee you that a small healthy plant can and will bring lots of positivity and hope in your space.Delivering in 33 cities as of now, in 5 working days. Payments are accepted online through third party payment gateway. We also provide instruction manuals for proper care of plants.So welcome to our Online Plants Megastore !!