Sports - Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago-based Coach Pickles' Jelly Bean Sports is an early learning sports instruction, production and research company. Industry leader in preschool recreation and sports programming, digital curriculum and coming soon a one-stop-shop for all preschool recreation and sport training aids. Our community and work with clients exists in a variety of different ways: (1) Offering regional early learning sports development programming to young families(2) Packaging preschool recreation and sports curriculum and resources for sale (3) Offering thought-leadership through journal and trade publications, speaking and interviews (4) Consulting recreation and sports organizationsSince 2009, Jelly Bean Sports has excelled at doing the impossible, teaching children as young as 18 months old sports. Teaching young children sports is not a new concept. Teaching them in the ways they learn best is also not a new concept. But teaching young children sports in the ways they learn best is a new concept. Jelly Bean Sports teaches young children sports in the ways they learn best. Identifying best practices for working with young children has led to realizing young children to be less a footnote of recreation and sport and more key players. As a result, we have become strong advocates for using early learning sports development as a medium for:(1) Building young children's physical literacy through effective play-based programming(2) Fighting childhood obesity(3) Increasing girls involvement in sports, and (4) Improving access for all.Working with Jelly Bean Sports, you gain access to the best in the field of early childhood development - movement, physical literacy, active learning, programming, sports process and the broader governing dynamics of sport. Employment and investment opportunities available.