Religious Institutions - New York, New York, United States
In recognition that over 80% of Orthodox students currently attend secular university, the Orthodox Union (OU) created the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC). OU-JLIC places Orthodox rabbinic couples, or Torah Educators, on secular colleges across North America and currently exists on 23 campuses. Their goal is to facilitate and provide all Orthodox needs on campus, including Shabbat, holidays, prayer services, weekly Torah learning, programming, social events, kosher food, chizuk, pastoral counseling, halachik guidance, a model of a Jewish home, and anything else necessary for the students. In order to have the greatest impact and provide the most accessible opportunities for these students as a part of the fabric of the campus, OU-JLIC partners with Hillel on every campus, the central location for college Jewish life, assisting them in servicing the Orthodox community in particular while also diligently working to enhance Jewish life on campus for all students. OU-JLIC is therefore "a project of the OU in partnership with Hillel."OU-JLIC was established at Queens College in the Fall semester of 2012. With over 1,000 Orthodox students at Queens College, the Orthodox population at QC ranges the entire spectrum – centrist, modern, yeshivish, liberal, ultra, social, and everything in between, with significant numbers of each constituency. As such, OU-JLIC offers a wide variety of Torah learning opportunities, programs, and social events to service all of the diverse interests amongst the Orthodox population. There is a full Shabbat program every week, holiday celebrations on campus, and a growing on-campus student community in the surrounding area. Explore and see all of the amazing opportunities here at OU-JLIC Queens College!