Executive Office - Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, United States
Job Smart System is an Intelligent technology that creates effective, efficient, timely data from which to manage valued employees using a competency based strategy. Key Enterprise Risks we manage are productivity ,safety and quality What, Who, When, Why, WhereWhat is JSS? Business analytic software that manages the mission using an intelligent recruitment, selection, and retention process using competency based job descriptions.Who needs JSS? Organizations that want to meet the mission with employees who work productively, safely, and improve quality.When do organizations most benefit? Within the first week of start up and 6 months of implementation through good employee relations and management results.Why do they benefit? They create stability in the labor base * They use money to grow not fix the organization * They have higher customer satisfaction * They lower employment related SUNK costs Where do they benefit? Where there is: Long lead time on recruitment * High employee turnover * Low succession success * Static performance reviews * Mixed pay for performance * High workers compensation costs * High variability in quality * High training costs without performance improvements Competencies are the basis of JSS Business Analytics & Intelligent DecisionsQuery: Employee competency range(s)Employee competencies can be clustered to determine * Recruitment requirements * Staff scheduling * Training plans * Succession plans * Budget pay for performance * Worker Risks for occupational injury