International Trade & Development - Middleburg, Florida, United States
Global broker and distributor for security and law enforcement products and services. Partners and Vendors include ISPI International, Brooking Industries and SoundOff (products sold outside of the U.S.). Current client catchment spans from South/Central America, the Caribbean, and the Southeast U.S. and Middle Atlantic states. I assist both domestic and international customers to obtain the highest quality products and services for reasonable investments. Experience while representing U.S. firms for two decades has equipped me with the know-how to provide information and other forms of leverage to ensure win-win deals for customers around the globe. Key products: Emergency and Industrial LED Lighting; Uniforms; Security Consulting; Procurement Assistance (with Pro Forma Adjustments and Contract Negotiations); Armored Vehicles; Selected Military Equipment and Logistics; and Representation/Proxy Service for Related Trade Conferences/Exhibitions.