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jumpp is an association of experts passionate about helping you use positive psychology to increase your health and wellbeing at home and work. We want to help you put a spring in your step, because life is too short. Up until very recently, the focus of psychology has been on treating illness. However, now positive psychologists have moved the focus to wellbeing and flourishing. What is it that the most healthy, successful and positive people are doing that enables them to thrive? By studying success, positive psychologists have been able to develop tools that can help us all thrive and get the most out of our lives, whether at home or in the workplace. At jumpp, apart from generic Positive Psychology seminars we also offer events designed exclusively for your life stage & profession. We filter all the research for you and create a programme best suited to your life circumstances, whether you're single, married or separated, because we know people change throughout their lifetime and have different needs at different stages. This makes our events more relevant to you.And if you work as a HR professional, Counsellor, Coach or in other professions and would like to use the Positive Psychology findings to improve your work effectiveness, choose from a range of seminars we designed especially for you.