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The very thought of who to consult with, what action to take and how to implement recovering on your judgment is challenging and intimidating to most judgment holders. (Not to mention how much more money it could cost you to simply get the money that is rightfully owed to you.)Unfortunately, because of that more than eighty percent (80%) of judgments are never satisfied (recovered), or the judgments are simply left to expire after 10 years, without any recovery to the judgment holder.Despite the fact a court of law awarded you a money judgment, it does not and cannot help you to recover it. The recovery process and how to go about the process of recovery is left in the hands of the judgment holder.You probably retained (paid) an attorney to help you with the process of getting the judgment entered. Many times once a judgment is entered, the judgment lies dormant for years and no action is ever taken to enforce the recovery of the judgment, mostly due in part to the fact that attorneys' fees usually outweigh the cost-effectiveness of recovering the amount of the judgment, leaving the judgment holder with a worthless piece of paper – a "Judgment" signed and entered by the court where it was filed.That is simply not justice!So, what should you do to recover your judgment?Contact Justified Judgment Recovery