Architecture & Planning - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
K SQUARE is a progressive team focussed on being areference point in its practice through solutions which arehighly pragmatic, rooted in the context and have a highregard for the setting.The pursuit of enjoyable architecture with intelligentsolutions that are simple and easily comprehendible to all,while deploying resources optimally and frugally is a keyelement of the practice.The firm prides in its abilities in finding sustainable andeconomical solutions in situations with tight constraintsand in its innovativeness. Utilising the available resourceson site to create intelligent built environments, the firmhas been consistent in its pursuit of conserving energythrough use of passive architectural and planningsolutions.Interpreting varied requirements, integrating it withappropriate science and technology to provide answers,which are user oriented and sensitive at varying scaleshas been an avowed interest of the firm.Further it looks at its ability to engage itself in sociallyrelevant architecture, and solutions aimed at solvingproblems related to urban settings and affordablehousing as a key way of using architecture to serve thecommunity. Making architecture relevant to the users,the witnesses and to the setting while making thearchitecture a sculpted response from all directions todeliver an enjoyable product sums up the approach