Nonprofit Organization Management - Oakland, California, United States
Replicating the successful model of regional food banks, SupplyBank.Org (formerly K to College) is building a "Supply Bank" to efficiently address the material needs of California's disadvantaged children and families. Similar to how food banks work with farmers and government agencies to distribute food to alleviate hunger, K to College works with manufacturers, school districts, and social service agencies to distribute basic materials to alleviate material needs. We combine this approach with unique partnerships that enable us to provide materials at a fraction of their in-store cost. Instead of soup kitchens, our "front lines" for distributions are more than 350 county offices of education and school districts, traditional and domestic violence shelters, early learning agencies, community college districts and other allied agencies.At a key transition point that will build upon the organization's statewide network, the organization is engaging in an 18-month planning process with a host of government, foundation and private partners to build a robust regional supply banking system to alleviate all material needs of low-income people. This process will transition to implementation with the groundbreaking of a new distribution in late 2017.
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